A From Farm to Cup Coffee Experience.

From The Mountains of Maricao, Puerto Rico to YOUR cup.

We Grow & Roast your Coffee with love at our farm, Hacienda Iluminada.

💛 coffee.


We love coffee because to us, it’s an excuse to connect with amazing humans. Coffee is energy. It is the beginning of beautiful things, a gift to us from earth.

We love the aroma and taste of coffee. It gives us a sense of satiety, as well as it puts humanity in a good mood.

We do the whole coffee process in our own coffee farm in the highest mountains of Maricao, Puerto Rico. We put love into the process, using sustainable and eco-friendly growing methods to protect the quality of our beans and the future of our planet.

💛 caffeinated humans.

We are in business because of the humans around the brand. Our farmers, baristas, roasters, administration crew and especially our caffeinated customers. We understand there are many options when it comes to coffee, but you chose us! For that, we are endlessly thankful.

By supporting local, you are giving us a job. Because of you, we get to support our families, offer better pay, jobs, benefits and hope to the many humans in Maricao, San Juan, Puerto Rico and New York City. Thank YOU for choosing LOCAL and supporting the community!

787 Coffee a place where we Dream, Create & Inspire .


WE grow it and YOU enjoy it.

Our promise to you is that we will continue to push.

  • Better and innovative ways to responsible agriculture.

  • Quality & no chemicals

  • Staying true to our DNA, not coorporate, simply a local and happy coffee company.

  • Together we will build a better a more sustainable world.

If It’s good for EARTH it must be good for YOU .