Make the Perfect Cup of Coffee With a Chemex

A Comprehensive Brew Guide

Coffee is an amazing drink that gives us humans energy and allows us to relax and connect with the people we love. It's amazing to catch up and spend time with the people we care about over a cup of coffee and enjoy the moment. What's amazing is that there are different ways to drink and share a cup of coffee with others. For example, the Chemex coffee method is similar to a pour-over method, but it allows you to make a larger amount of coffee. In this 787 Coffee Brew guide we will talk about the amazing Chemex method and how you can use it at home!

Prepare Your Materials:

  • Chemex

  • Filter

  • Scale

  • Kettle

  • Grinder


Before you start brewing it’s important that you heat your filtered water in your gooseneck kettle to 205°F, temperature is key! remember that its recommended to use filtered water because the type of water we use can completely change the flavor of our coffee

2. Prepare The Filter

Open the paper filter so there are three layers on one side and one layer on the other. Place the three-layered side on the spout side of the Chemex. Pour your heated water over the filter to preheat the carafe and set the filter in place. This is called “rinsing,” this step helps remove the paper taste from making its way into your coffee. When you’re done rinsing, pour out the water.

3. Measure & Grind Your Coffee

Each coffee bean has different degrees of acidity, sweetness, body, and aroma so the amount of ground coffee used will affect the resulting brew's flavor. Weight your coffee beans to 20-21 grams, just like 3 tablespoons, for each 8 oz cup. You can add other takeout depending on how you like your coffee! remember there is never a right way to make coffee just the way you prefer your coffee!

4. Start Pouring

Bring your hot water from the gooseneck kettle, we recommend this kettle because it’s more precise and lets you control the water flow during the process, this also helps evenly saturate all the grounds for optimal extraction! Next, add boiling water over the grounds to wet them completely then wait 30 seconds until you start seeing bubbles

5. Complete THREE More Pours

The next three pours need to be in equal parts. Pour your next round of water in the same concentric fashion and use about 200g of water. As the coffee drains down, repeat this for your last pour to finish up with your goal weight until 800g.
Try not to let the coffee bed completely drain in between pours. You’ll want to see the coffee about 1 inch from the ground before your next pour. If the coffee is draining too quickly, make your grind finer, and vice versa.


Brewing coffee with a Chemex is magical! It’s an elegant way to make coffee at home with its amazing design, and control. This method makes the coffee flavors stand out making an extra delicious cup of coffee. This brewing method has been around for many years but coffee lovers keep using them because of its fascinating way of brewing and the way it extracts all of the coffee bean’s flavor. Making coffee with a Chemex is for those caffeinated humans who love making coffee at home and want to relax while making their coffee!


Kyoto Cold Brew 787 Coffee Guide


How to Make a Pour Over Coffee