Kyoto Cold Brew 787 Coffee Guide

A Comprehensive Brew Guide

The Kyoto-style brew is a beautiful way to make coffee, full of history and flavor. Kyoto cold brew style was born in Japan and has been around since the 1600s. It's an amazing way to slowly extract the coffee flavor. Since this brew method uses cold water, it preserves the amazing coffee flavor, especially with single origin coffee beans. It's perfect for keeping the amazing fruity flavors.

Prepare Your Materials:

  • Coffee Grounds

  • Kyoto Cold Brew

  • Water

  • Ice

  • Grinder

  • Scale

Coffee Amount:

200 grams

Grind Size:

Medium- fine 

Amount of water: 

1,000 Grams’

Brew time:

7-8 Hours

Kyoto Cold Brew

Step by Step Guide!

1. Prepare the top chamber!

The top chamber controls the drip flow through the middle and bottom. Fill the chamber with 1000 grams of ice and 900 grams of water, and set aside 100 grams for later.

2. Fill Middle Chamber

The middle chamber is where the coffee goes! Cover it with a wet, round paper filter. Saturate the grounds by slowly pouring 100 grams of water on top of the filter. Ensure the grounds are evenly soaked to avoid clogging!

3. Set Drip Rate

Set the drip rate to 4 drips every 6 seconds, or in sync with 40 bpm using a metronome. The coffee journey finishes at the bottom chamber, where each drip falls through the coffee grounds, having a delicious cold brew coffee.

4. Collect your brew

Remember, patience is important in this technique, this process takes up to 8 hours, but the result it’s magical! Once the brewing is finished, transfer your cold brew into a container and refrigerate it for future use.


The Kyoto technique is a beautiful way of making cold brew. It requires patience because it takes more time than other brewing techniques, but once it's ready, its flavor is amazing! Coffee is fun, so experiment, find the grind size that lets you enjoy your coffee just the way you like it, try different coffee beans. Remember that the Kyoto technique extracts more flavor from single origin coffee, so experiment with many coffee beans until you find your favorite!


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